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NewMOX® fuel: A sustainable nuclear fuel for nuclear power generation.

NewMOX® will provide nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants and also for SMRs.

NewMOX® fuel enable long time operation of the fuel similar to High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium Fuel utilizing Plutonium instead of Uranium-235.

NewMOX® will utilize existing raw material sources.

NewMOX® enables a fuel supply in short time and will be a sustainable mid and long term fuel supply.


MOX is consist of depleted Uranium and Plutonium

Depleted Uranium
Depleted Uranium is a by-product of the Enrichment of Uranium and has only a limited use. Therefore depleted uranium is piled up as waste in many countries.

Plutonium is separated by reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel.
A Plutonium stock pile of about 500 tons has been generated worldwide in the last decades. Most of the Plutonium stock is expensively stored as potential nuclear waste

NewMOX®: Fuel Cycle

The NewMOX® fuel cycle is a contribution for CO2 reduction by recycling of Plutonium from reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel.

Nuclear energy has been a reliable producer of electrical energy in the last 50 years with a low carbon footprint.

The vison of NewMOX®, SAS Grenoble is to be major player for nuclear fuel production.


The NewMOX® fuel cycle

NewMOX® Project

NewMOX® prospective is to set up engineering capacity for design and construction of a MOX fuel manufacturing plant.

NewMOX® will also supply fuel for LWRs and Fast Breader SMRs. Therefore, the plutonium content as well as the fuel element dimension will be high flexible according the specific needs of different SMR types.

Annual capacity: 40 tons of MOX
Plutonium content: 5 to 40 %
Fuel rod diameter and length: flexible
Fuel assembly: flexible